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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Back in the USSR

I made it back to my Moscow, (Москва - "Moskva") hooray!!!!! It's a little colder and more wintry here than it was in Korea, there is still a lot of snow! But it was sunny last evening when I arrived and this morning during breakfast. :-) I had bread with fish and cheese pancakes with sour cream and honey, and coffee, of course!

After breakfast, I took a bath, because I was pretty dirty from the trip to Korea. I touched some soup early on and dirt stuck to my hands after that.

After my bath it was rainy and I felt sleepy, I took a nap by my window for the rest of the day. I have to get lots of rest because tomorrow I am going on an adventure!!! But it's a surprise, so I can't say too much ;-)

Yours Truly,
Michael TheMonkey


  1. Shhhhh! Don't tell my mom, but I think I am due for one of those. I don't care for the drying out after. I get dizzy in the dryer on air fluff.

    You look all refreshed, like a new monkey!

  2. Welcome home, we can't wait for your next adventure!

  3. Ha ha, yes you must be very dizzy after the drier, Buttons, I actually dried out on top of a heater. I feel nice and clean :-) Thanks Raquel and Katherine!!! I am excited for the next adventure, it's coming soon!!! And check out today's post, too!

  4. Welcome home Michael! Nothing like a bath and a nap in your own bed after travelling! Can you please post the recipe for cheese pancakes? :)
